This section is dedicated to an implementation of a WebAuthn (Web Authentication) workflow using the Go programming language.
This website is not meant as a complete learning resource for beginners, but rather a reference implementation of a complete Webauthn workflow.
It is the text that I wish were available when I first started implementing Webauthn in my applications.
Who this text is for
In general, I have written this text with an experienced audience in mind.
On the other hand, even if you are a beginner, building a Web application as described in this walkthrough, although painful, is likely going to benefit you more than watching another learn-Python-in-3-hours video or trying to wish a job into existence.
You are going to need a reasonably good knowledge of back end development, the UNIX command line, SQL, and all three languages used in browser environments (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
I may leave several difficult code snippets unexplained, which I believe should be readable without explanation.
If you have any suggestions for improvements to the tutorial, feel free to reach out to me or to submit a Pull Request in the Github repository of this website.
The source code of the application we are going to build is available on Github: moroz/webauthn-academy-go.
Technological stack
This website was developed on a variety of Linux-powered machines, using Go 1.23.1 and Node 20.17.0, and PostgreSQL 16.4.
The code should work just fine on any UNIX-like operating system, and possibly even on Windows.
There are several command-line tools we will be using in this walkthrough:
mise — to manage different versions of programming languages, here Go and Node.js.
direnv — to manage settings and secrets in environment variables.
modd — to automatically rebuild and reload the application upon changes to the source code.
sqlc — to generate type-safe code for database operations based on the database schema.
Whenever possible, I try to use just the standard library, so with enough knowledge of the Go ecosystem, you should be able to modify the solution to use your preferred libraries.
However, there are several libraries that handle everyday tasks much more elegantly than the standard library.
A few notable Go examples: — the actual WebAuthn implementation. We will be using this library to generate and validate registration and attestation challenges.
templ — a type-safe templating language that compiles to Go. — for persisting session state in cookies. We will be using session storage to display flash notifications, for CSRF protection, and to persist WebAuthn challenges across requests.
We will be bundling CSS and JavaScript code using Vite, TypeScript, and SASS.
Initial setup
The following walkthrough sets up a password authentication from scratch. Once this text is finalized, you will be able to skip to the section where I start implementing Webauthn. For now, you can just follow along.
$ cd academy-go
$ mise install go@1.23.1 node@lts
# Save preferred versions of the Go toolchain and Node.js to .tool-versions$ mise local go@1.23.1
$ mise local node@lts
# Check that Go and Node.js are installed with the correct versions$ go version
go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
$ node --version
Initialize a Go module in this directory.
# Swap "moroz" for your Github usernamego mod init
In the remaining part of this article, I will not include any git commands or commit messages, as this would make the article too verbose.
I encourage you to commit and push often, even if you think there is “nothing to commit,” or if you haven’t finished your tasks.
It is also good practice to write informative commit messages.
Simple HTTP router using chi-router
Let’s build a simple HTTP handler to process incoming requests.
First, install go-chi/chi—a routing library built on top of the net/http package from the Go standard library:
go get -u
Then create a file named main.go in the project’s root directory:
File: main.go
1packagemain 2 3import( 4"fmt" 5"log" 6"net/http" 7 8"" 9""10)1112funcmain(){13r:=chi.NewRouter()1415r.Use(middleware.Logger)1617r.Get("/",func(whttp.ResponseWriter,r*http.Request){18fmt.Fprintf(w,"<h1>Hello from the router!</h1>")19})2021log.Println("Listening on port 3000")22log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000",r))23}
This file uses a common Go idiom: the blocking call to http.ListenAndServe is wrapped in a call to log.Fatal.
The blocking call will only return a value if the operation fails, for instance if a port is already in use.
log.Fatal will then log the error message and terminate the program with a non-zero exit code.
Run the server:
$ go run .
2024/05/19 14:46:01 Listening on port 3000
When you visit localhost:3000 now, you should be greeted by this view:
Database schema migrations using goose
In this section, we are going to set up goose, a command-line tool for database schema migrations.
Installing goose using tools.go
Since goose is a command-line tool separate from our program logic, we want to install it as a standalone application.
The Go toolchain allows us to track versions of CLI tools in go.mod using a technique called tools.go.
In the root directory of the project, run this command to download goose and add it to the project’s dependencies:
go get
In the same directory, create a file called tools.go with the following contents:
Then, create a Makefile with the following contents:
File: Makefile
1download:2 go mod download @echo Installing tools from tools.go
6 @grep _ tools.go | awk -F'"''{print $$2}'| xargs -tI % go install %
If you run make now, you should end up with goose correctly installed in PATH:
$ make
go mod download
Installing tools from tools.go
go install
$ which goose
Now, let’s set up a database. First, create a .envrc file. We will be using this file to set environment variables using direnv.
By setting a PGDATABASE variable, we instruct the PostgreSQL CLI tools to connect to the project’s database by default.
DATABASE_URL is a database connection string in URL format.
GOOSE_MIGRATION_DIR instructs Goose to look for migration files in the db/migrations directory.
The GOOSE_DBSTRING makes Goose run the migration scripts against our development database.
In the command line, source this script or run direnv allow to apply these settings and create a database:
# If you have configured direnv$ direnv allow
# Otherwise just source this file$ source .envrc
# Create the database $ createdb
The .envrc file should not be committed to Git. There are two main reasons for that: Firstly, in the future, the .envrc will likely contain some secrets that should not be exposed to the outside world, such as passwords, API tokens, etc.
Secondly, every time you set up the project for local work, you may want to apply some changes to these variables that do not need to be propagated to the upstream Git repository.
Therefore, we tell Git to ignore this file by adding its filename to .gitignore and commit a safe .envrc.sample file instead:
# Create a file with the contents of ".envrc"# or append a line if the file exists$ echo .envrc >> .gitignore
# Copy the content to the file we want to commit$ cp .envrc .envrc.sample
If you add new required environment variables to your local .envrc file, make sure to also update .envrc.sample.
create_users migration
Create a directory for database migrations. goose will not create one automatically and will fail with an error message if the directory does not exist when creating a migration file.
mkdir -p db/migrations
Generate a migration file for the users table. Do note that the file name contains a timestamp and will therefore be different each time you run this command.
$ goose create create_users sql
2024/09/13 08:00:48 Created new file: db/migrations/20240913000048_create_users.sql
In the newly created migration file, add instructions to create and tear down a users table:
$ goose up
2024/09/13 10:48:01 OK 20240913000048_create_users.sql (9.66ms)2024/09/13 10:48:01 goose: successfully migrated database to version: 20240913000048
You can check whether the migration was successful by connecting to the database using psql and requesting information about the users table using \d+ users.
This migration should create a table with the following columns:
id: an automatically generated primary key of type bigint (equivalent of int64),
email: case-insensitive string column with a unique index,
password_hash: string column to store an password hashed using Argon2 in PHC string format,
inserted_at and updated_at: to store creation and modification times, respectively. The timestamps are stored without milliseconds (hence the type name timestamp(0)). We will store the times in the UTC time zone, regardless of your geographical location.
$ make
go mod download
Installing tools from tools.go
go install
go install
$ which sqlc
– Unrevised content below –
Build a database interface for the users table
In types/user.go, define types representing records in the users table and new user registration params:
packagetypesimport("time""")typeUserstruct{IDint`db:"id"`Emailstring`db:"email"`DisplayNamestring`db:"display_name"`PasswordHashstring`db:"password_hash"`InsertedAttime.Time`db:"inserted_at"`UpdatedAttime.Time`db:"updated_at"`}typeNewUserParamsstruct{Emailstring`schema:"email" validate:"required|email"`DisplayNamestring`schema:"displayName" validate:"required"`Passwordstring`schema:"password" validate:"required|min_len:8|max_len:80"`PasswordConfirmationstring`schema:"passwordConfirmation" validate:"required|eq_field:Password"`}func(pNewUserParams)Messages()map[string]string{returnvalidate.MS{"required":"can't be blank","email":"is not a valid email address","min_len":"must be between 8 and 80 characters long","max_len":"must be between 8 and 80 characters long","eq_field":"passwords do not match",}}
On the NewUserParams struct type, we define annotations for gorilla/schema and gookit/validate. Later on, we will be using gorilla/schema to convert HTTP POST data to structs. gookit/validate is a simple validation library.
For reasons I cannot fathom, the Golang ecosystem has settled on the go-playground/validator library as the state of the art in terms of struct validation.
I have found this library to be good for validation, but a pain in the neck whenever I had to customize error messages.
gookit/validate is much simpler, and customizing error messages is much simpler as well.
In store/user_store.go, define a userStore struct. We will be using this type to implement basic CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations. For now, let’s write an InsertUser method to insert pre-validated records into the database. Later on, we will be building on top of this method to implement a user registration workflow.
In service/user_service.go, define a UserService type. We will be using this type to implement higher-level database interactions.
While the InsertUser function in the previous example was a simple INSERT operation, the RegisterUser method on the UserService struct also handles data validation using gookit/validate and password hashing using alexedwards/argon2id.
// Error 23505 `unique_violation` means that a unique constraint has
// prevented us from inserting a duplicate value. Instead of returning
// a raw error, we return a handcrafted validation error that we can
// later display in a form.
iferr,ok:=err.(*pq.Error);ok&&err.Code=="23505"&&err.Constraint=="users_email_key"{validationErrors:=validate.Errors{}validationErrors.Add("Email","unique","has already been taken")returnnil,nil,validationErrors}returnnil,err,nil}
Prepare a test suite
Next, we can test our data validation and the registration logic using unit tests.
Go comes with a built-in testing engine, but writing tests with just the standard library tooling is very tedious and repetitive.
Therefore we are going to install stretchr/testify.
Then, in .envrc, define two new environment variables: TEST_DATABASE_NAME and TEST_DATABASE_URL.
We will be using these variables to create and connect to the test database.
Then, define Makefile targets to prepare the test database and run the test suites:
guard-%: @ test -n "${$*}"||(echo"FATAL: Environment variable $* is not set!";exit 1)db.test.prepare:guard-TEST_DATABASE_NAMEguard-TEST_DATABASE_URL @ createdb ${TEST_DATABASE_NAME} 2>/dev/null ||true @ env GOOSE_DBSTRING="${TEST_DATABASE_URL}" goose up
test:db.test.prepare go test -v ./...
This file utilizes GNU make syntax extensions to define a dynamic guard-% target, which ensures that each required environment variable is set and non-empty.
We then use these guards to validate the environment before running the db.test.prepare target, which creates a test database and runs migrations against this database.
Finally, the test target runs the test suites of all packages in the project. Since the test target lists db.test.prepare as a dependency, make will ensure that all the migrations are correctly applied against the test database before the test suites are executed.
In service/service_test.go, define a test suite using stretchr/testify. This file does not define any specific tests, only a scaffolding for the tests we are going to add in other files.
With this file in place, we can set up more specific tests for registration logic. In service/user_service_test.go, add tests for the user service:
packageservice_testimport("""""""")func(s*ServiceTestSuite)TestRegisterUser(){params:=types.NewUserParams{Email:"",DisplayName:"Example User",Password:"foobar123123",PasswordConfirmation:"foobar123123",}srv:=service.NewUserService(s.db)user,err,_:=srv.RegisterUser(params)s.NoError(err)s.Equal(params.Email,user.Email)s.Equal(params.DisplayName,user.DisplayName)match,err:=argon2id.ComparePasswordAndHash(params.Password,user.PasswordHash)s.True(match)}func(s*ServiceTestSuite)TestRegisterUserWithInvalidParams(){params:=types.NewUserParams{Email:"invalid",DisplayName:"Example User",Password:"short",PasswordConfirmation:"not matching",}srv:=service.NewUserService(s.db)user,err,validationErrors:=srv.RegisterUser(params)s.NoError(err)s.Nil(user)msg:=validationErrors.FieldOne("Email")s.Equal("is not a valid email address",msg)msg=validationErrors.FieldOne("Password")s.Equal("must be between 8 and 80 characters long",msg)msg=validationErrors.FieldOne("PasswordConfirmation")s.Contains(msg,"do not match")}func(s*ServiceTestSuite)TestRegisterUserWithDuplicateEmail(){store:=store.NewUserStore(s.db)user,err:=store.InsertUser(&types.User{Email:"",PasswordHash:"test",DisplayName:"John Smith",})s.NoError(err)srv:=service.NewUserService(s.db)params:=types.NewUserParams{Email:user.Email,DisplayName:"Other User",Password:"foobar123123",PasswordConfirmation:"foobar123123",}user,err,validationErrors:=srv.RegisterUser(params)s.Nil(user)s.Nil(err)msg:=validationErrors.FieldOne("Email")s.Equal("has already been taken",msg)}
If you run the tests now, they should all pass:
$ make test
2024/05/16 00:01:45 goose: no migrations to run. current version: 20240511103916
go test -v ./...
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
=== RUN TestServiceTestSuite
=== RUN TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUser
=== RUN TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUserWithDuplicateEmail
=== RUN TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUserWithInvalidParams
--- PASS: TestServiceTestSuite (0.20s)
--- PASS: TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUser (0.10s)
--- PASS: TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUserWithDuplicateEmail (0.06s)
--- PASS: TestServiceTestSuite/TestRegisterUserWithInvalidParams (0.03s)
ok (cached)
Create a configuration package
In config/config.go, add a module to encapsulate the logic for reading and validating application configuration from environment variables.
packageconfigimport("fmt""log""os")funcMustGetenv(keystring)string{value:=os.Getenv(key)ifvalue==""{msg:=fmt.Sprintf("FATAL: Environment variable %s is not set",key)log.Fatal(msg)}returnvalue}varDatabaseURL=MustGetenv("DATABASE_URL")
The helper function MustGetenv wraps os.Getenv so that if any required environment variable is unset or empty, the function will log an error message and terminate the program. Failing early helps identify configuration errors early on, and putting configuration in a single, independent package allows us to import this package anywhere in the program, without having to worry about circular dependency errors.
For now, we only
Set up templ for HTML templating
We will be building templates using templ instead of Go’s built-in html/template package.
This is because Templ makes it much easier to share common data between views (such as flash messages, authentication status, page title, etc.).
Install the templ CLI:
go install
Next, define the basic HTML layouts at templates/layout/root.templ:
We define two layout templates: RootLayout, which is the base HTML layout for all context-specific layouts in the application, and Unauthenticated, a basic layout used for views shown to unauthenticated visitors, such as the login page or the registration page.
In templates/users/users.templ, add the registration form template:
Update main.go to serve requests to GET / with this handler:
packagemainimport("log""net/http"""""""_"""""")funcmain(){db:=sqlx.MustConnect("postgres",config.DatabaseURL)r:=chi.NewRouter()r.Use(middleware.Logger)users:=handler.UserHandler(db)r.Get("/",users.New)log.Println("Listening on port 3000")log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000",r))}
Do note that in line 10 we need to import the library using an import statement with the blank identifier _ as an explicit package name. This package is never called directly, but this import statement is required for its side effects. If you forget to add this import, the call to sqlx.MustConnect will result in a panic.
If you re-run this project now (using go run . in the project’s root directory) and navigate to localhost:3000, you should be greeted with an unstyled registration form like the one below:
Now, let’s set up some styling.
Set up Vite for asset bundling
We will be using Vite to compile and bundle CSS and JavaScript assets.
First, install the pnpm package manager for node using npm:
npm i -g pnpm
Then, create a Vite project under assets/:
pnpm create vite@latest assets --template vanilla-ts
cd assets
pnpm install
Code reloading with modd
With Vite added to the project, we will have to run the Vite development server in the background alongside the application.
At this point, running multiple commands (templ generate and go run .) just to rebuild the code could already become very tedious.
Let’s set up modd to rebuild templates and application code.
Start by installing modd:
go install
Then, in a file named modd.conf in the root directory of the project, add the following configuration:
daemon +sigterm: cd assets/ && pnpm run dev --port=5173
**/*.templ {
prep +onchange: templ generate
**/*.go !**/*_test.go {
prep +onchange: go build -o server .
daemon +sigterm: ./server
This file instructs modd to:
always start the Vite development server in the background whenever we start the project,
regenerate view code whenever a .templ file is modified,
rebuild and restart the application whenever .go files are modified (including view code).
Update .gitignore to look like this:
# Compiled server executable/server
# Go code generated by templ**/*_templ.go
# Environment variables (machine-specific values and secrets).envrc
Now, terminate the application server if you still had it running, and run modd in the terminal.
With a correct setup, the tool should regenerate your views and start the Vite development server:
$ modd
20:06:47: skipping prep: templ generate
20:06:47: skipping prep: go build -o server .
20:06:47: daemon: cd assets/ && pnpm run dev --port=5173
>> starting...
20:06:47: daemon: ./server
>> starting...
2024/05/20 20:06:47 Listening on port 3000
Style the page with CSS
Now we can add some CSS to make the page more presentable. We will be writing CSS by hand to show you how simple this can be.
In development, this change is enough to load the Vite project in the browser, and the script will automatically inject CSS into the DOM.
However, in production builds, the JavaScript files will be compiled and minified into separate JavaScript and CSS files, and we will need to load them separately.
This is a bit more involved than the above example, however we don’t really need to think about this until we start preparing the project for production deployments.
The sign up page should now begin to look like this:
Sign up handler
Now that the registration form is rendering correctly, we can implement the handler that will process the data submitted by that form.
Since the form is using the POST HTTP method and is not marked as multipart (which is only necessary if you want to upload files together with other data in a single request), the request body will be submitted in URL-encoded format (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
Once the request reaches the handler, we can parse the data using net/http.Request.ParseForm, which will populate the PostForm field on the Request struct.
In order to convert the data to a types.NewUserParams struct, we could do something like this:
iferr:=r.ParseForm();err!=nil{// handle bad request
return}varparamstypes.NewUserParamsparams.Email=r.PostForm.Get("email")params.DisplayName=r.PostForm.Get("displayName")params.Password=r.PostForm.Get("password")params.PasswordConfirmation=r.PostForm.Get("passwordConfirmation")// actually try to create a User
As you can imagine, this approach could become extremely tedious, especially if at some point we decided to submit multiple values per form field (e. g. multiple checkboxes in a fieldset).
Therefore, we are going to use to handle this task for us.
First, install the library:
go get
Then, in a new file called handler/helpers.go, add the following:
The decoder variable is a shared instance of the schema decoder that we can use to decode the data submitted by multiple requests.
The handleError function is a helper that will help us quickly terminate unprocessable requests with a simple response based on a HTTP status code.
In handler/user_handler.go, add a Create method that will handle the user creation action.
packagehandlerimport("log""net/http""""")// ...
func(h*userHandler)Create(whttp.ResponseWriter,r*http.Request){r.ParseForm()// Ignore the error as it will be handled later
varparamstypes.NewUserParamsiferr:=decoder.Decode(¶ms,r.PostForm);err!=nil{handleError(w,http.StatusBadRequest)return}_,err,!=nil||validationErrors!=nil{w.Header().Add("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)err:=users.New(params,validationErrors).Render(r.Context(),w)iferr!=nil{log.Print(err)}return}http.Redirect(w,r,"/sign-in",http.StatusMovedPermanently)}
In this method, we decode the submitted HTTP POST data into a types.NewUserParams struct, and if the data cannot be parsed, we return a simple 400 Bad Request error response.
Then we validate the params and attempt to insert them into the database. If the validation fails, we re-render the registration form with error messages. Finally, if everything goes smooth, we redirect the user to the /sign-in path, which we have not implemented yet.
Sign in page
In templates/sessions/sessions.templ, add a template for the sign in form:
// ...
funcmain(){db:=sqlx.MustConnect("postgres",config.DatabaseURL)r:=chi.NewRouter()r.Use(middleware.Logger)users:=handler.UserHandler(db)r.Get("/",users.New)r.Post("/users/register",users.Create)// add these lines
sessions:=handler.SessionHandler(db)r.Get("/sign-in",sessions.New)log.Println("Listening on port 3000")log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000",r))}